Geom. Dott. Francesco Giampaolo
It is present in the section TOPOGRAPHY, short slides that cover the fundamental concepts... entirely downloadable
Via Antonio Baldissera, 9/11 00159 Roma
Cell. +39 3478871060
P.IVA 07934171005
The topography is the science that studies and applies methods for the numerical and graphical description of a limited portion of the Earth's surface, assuming it is permissible to take a plane as the reference surface, called "topographic"
Freelance surveyor regularly registered with the Register of Surveyors and Graduate Surveyors of the province of Rome at no. 9083.
The passion, consistency, and commitment dedicated to the professional activity began in 1998 when I obtained the diploma of Surveyor at the "ITCG Luigi Einaudi" in Rome.
From here I begin the process towards registration in the register of Surveyors.
After completing a regular two-year internship at a technical studio primarily focused on topography in the archaeological field, I take the qualification exam and...
Finally, in April 2003, I reached another milestone... that of enrollment and thus the beginning of a long journey in the world of work.
A special thanks goes to my friend and former teacher Roberto D' Apostoli who was able to pass on his knowledge and passion for topography.
...a bit of music is good!